
發(fā)布時間:2021-12-02 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


深圳技術大學新材料與新能源學院導師:李順樸 正文

李順樸 特聘教授

李順樸,博士,特聘教授。分別在1987年和1990年于蘭州大學物理系獲學士和碩士學位,1993年于中科院物理所獲得博士學位(與前蘇聯科學院金屬物理所合作培養(yǎng))后留所工作任助理研究員。1998年至2002年在劍橋大學卡文迪許實驗室和納米中心做博士后研究。 于2003年開始從事工業(yè)研究,先后在EPSON(愛普生)劍橋實驗室,劍橋顯示技術公司,丁達爾國家研究院任高級研究員和高級工程師。 于2013獲歐共體科研基金資助在劍橋大學工程系任瑪麗亞-居里高級研究員。研究工作涉及多個領域,包括自旋電子器件與磁存儲介質,半導體物理與器件,微/納米材料加工等。獲發(fā)明專利27項,參與了三部專著的撰寫,作為第一或通訊作者在各種權威刊物上(Nature, Advanced Materials, Physical Review Letters etc.)發(fā)表論文60多篇。 主持過歐洲國家級項目兩項,歐共體項目一項。

1990.09-1993.06    中科院物理所,博士研究生
1987.09-1990.06    蘭州大學,物理系,碩士
1983.09-1987.06    蘭州大學,物理系,本科

2018.11-至今       深圳技術大學,新材料與新能源學院,特聘教授
2013.01-2018.11    劍橋大學,工程系,瑪麗亞-居里高級研究員
2009.02-2012.11    丁達爾國家研究院,高級研究員
2008.01-2009.01    劍橋顯示技術公司,高級工程師
2003.03-2007.12    愛普生劍橋實驗室,高級研究員
1998.07-2003.02    劍橋大學卡文迪許實驗室/納米中心,博士后
1993.09-1998.07    中科院物理所,助理研究員

1. 磁性薄膜與磁存儲器件
2. 有機半導體器件(OTFT,OLED,OPV)
3. 微納加工技術(光刻,納米壓印,軟刻,自組裝)

1. 聚合物有機半導體場效應管及其在柔性顯示中的應用,廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,2019A1515011673,2019-2022.
2. Self-aligned high-resolution organic ferroelectric transistor based complementary memory, EU FP7, 301028, 2013-2015.
3. Textured dye sensitized solar cell, Enterprise Ireland, CF/2011/1616, 2011- 2013.
4. A novel process for printed electronics: all self-aligned, printed thin film transistors defined by embossed triple banks,Enterprise Ireland, PC/2009/0215, 2009-2011.

1. E. Tan, P. Shrestha, A. Pansare, S. Chakrabarti, S. Li, D. Chu, C. Lowe, A. Nagarkar. Density modulation of embedded nano-particles via spatial Adv. Mater. 51, 1901802 (2019)
2. S. Li et al. Two-dimensional arrays self-assembled via interference of concentration modulation waves in drying solutions Materials Horizons 6,507 (2019).
3. S. Li et al. High-resolution patterning of solution-processable materials via externally engineered pinning of capillary bridges Nat. Commun9, 393(2018).
4. J. Wu, Y. T. Chun, S. Li et al. Broadband MoSfield-effect phototransistors: ultrasensitive visible-light photoresponse and negative infrared photoresponse Adv. Mater. 30,1705880(2018).
5. W. Liu, L. He, Y. Xu, K. Murata, M. Onbasli, M. Lang, N. Maltby, S. Li, X. Wang et al. Enhancing magnetic ordering in Cr-doped Bi2Se3using high-Tferrimagnetic insulator Nano Lett. 15, 764 (2015).
6. S. Li, W. Chen, D. Chu, S. Roy. Self-aligned, high resolution printed polymer transistors Adv. Mater. 23, 4107 (2011).
7. W. S. Lew, S. Li, L. Lopez-diaz et al. Mirror domain structure induced by interlayer magnetic wall coupling Phys. Rev. Lett90, 217201(2003).
8. S. Li, W. S. Lew, J. A. C. Bland et al. Magnetic domain confinement by anisotropy modulation Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 87202 (2002).
9. S. Li, W. S. Lew, J. A. C. Bland et al. Spin-engineering magnetic media Nature 415, 600(2002).
10. S. Li, D. Peyrade, M. Natali et al. Flux closure structures in cobalt rings Phys. Rev. Lett86, 1102(2001).

1. S. Li, C. Newsome, T. Kugler and D. Russel, Method of fabricating a desired pattern of electronically functional material, US2005250244.
2. S. Li, T. Kugler, C. Newsome and D. Russel, A self-aligning patterning method for use in the manufacture of a plurality of thin film transistors,US2006128076.
3. S. Li, C. Newsome, D. Russel and T. Kugler, A patterning method for fabricating high-resolution structures, US2006194444.
4. S. Li, C. Newsome, D. Russel and T. KuglerOrganic electronic device fabrication by micro-embossing, US2006/0280021.
5. S. Li, C. Newsome, D. Russel and T. Kugler, Thin film transistor and method for fabricating an electronic device,US2007/0082438.
6. S. Li, C. Newsome, D. Russel,T. Kugler,and D. Russell,Patterning of electronic devices by brush painting onto surface energy modified substrates, US2007/0105396
7. S. Li and I. Masaya, Electrochemical cell and method of manufacture, US2007119048.
8. S. Li, C. Newsome, D. Russel and T. KuglerDevice fabrication by ink-jet printing materials into bank structures with multi-leveled thickness contrast, US2007287270.
9. S. Li, C. Newsome and D. Chu, Novel methods of bank structure fabrication for ink-jet printing,US2008006161.
10. S. Li, C. Newsome and D. Chu, Method for forming surface energy difference bank, patterning method, bank structure, electronic circuit, electronic device, and electronic apparatus, US2008017606 (A1).



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